Friday, September 02, 2005

This morning DMP made contact with one if our dealers in Jackson, MS...and unbelievably, they were recieving UPS shipments. UPS is Amazing...there is not question. This dealer had all 8 of his employees (who had lost their homes and everything) living with him. They had no food, no water, no gas, nothing. In a little less than 4 hours. The wonderful people at DMP had donated almost $500 to cover freight...and almost 1000 lbs of food, water, and provisions...some of which are being Air Freigted in. An amazing story...Thanks to Leigh Sides for heading up the effort...what a great place to work!

1 comment:

Tom Demers said...

This is what the media hasn't done a very good job reporting on - all the money and goods donated by private parties!