Monday, June 19, 2006

Viva La Mexican Food!

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millsie said...

those chips are addicting.

jbj said...

Oh,to taste those chips once again with the larger than necessary coke in hand. Mexican food is hard to come by on this side of the world. Thanks for giving us a great reminder of home! I came upon your site through an interesting connection - Kim (Holland) Bartlett of all things! I haven't seen her or heard from or about her in somewhere around 12 years. Thanks for listing us in your links of other blogs! What a small world it is, eh?

Tom Demers said...

I was missing Acambaro on Sunday...

Anonymous said...

viva la guck! I guess maybe we are just spoiled with the real thing were we come from.Adam and I were all excited to try out the Hillen's FAVORITE place to eat. Boy were we ever disappointed. Sorry fam but this one is a no go to acambaro!

hillenblogshappywife said...

bite your tongue, miss...issippi. We love the Acambaro food. We actually have had a couple different mexicans who reside in mexico who also love the food and thought it was extremely authentic!!! Oh, well, i guess you can eat where you want,just means a table will be available for us! hee hee

Hillenblog said...

M I crooked letter, crooked letter I crooked letter, crooked letter I humpback, humpback I.

Maybe you should go there with me...give them one more chance...because you are the FIRST person that I have ever heard of that does not like it...Baybe it is the Indian...and not the arrows...:-)

Teri said...

I actually have a close friend, who shall remain nameless in hopes to keep her safe, who will never go there again. She tried it once and the whole fam was grossed out! I think we should all employ the 3 strike rule (ala Rachel) and try, try again. I love the place!

Hillenblog said...

Maybe...I meant MAYbe...

and on another note...when I met him, Smitty...he seamed quite friendly. Focused and professional.

iROG said...

Back when I was iROG we use to hit this place once a week, but since I went in the witness protection program and assumed the name aROG, I rarely go... I have turned to Pepper and BYB... and so the story goes.