Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Space bolts...and real estate signs! the last few days I have been giving Cindy a hard time about an incident that happened at her new job. She had to go update a real estate sign with a "Sold" header or something...anyway. It was in Fair Grove...and so she drove out her first offical sign excursion. Well...she ended up dropping the bolt in the tall grass...and could not find it. ...after looking for several several minutes...she could still not find it. And of course...she had not brought an extra she had to drive back to the office and get another one.

Now I had really been making fun of her for this...untill I heard about this story on the news today.
Apparently the Space Shuttle crew is in space on extended space walks...attaching a $329Million dollar portion of the space the rest of the space station that is up there...and they have dropped two bolts!...and the best part is...they don't have any extras...

So...Cindy I apologize for making fun of you...after all...Real Estate ain't Brain Science...and apparently neither is Rocket Science. Posted by Picasa

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