Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What a great New Years Eve Party (not that I can confirm or deny that I was there)

I can't confirm or deny the existence of any New Years eve party...or the attendees of any said party that may or may not have occured. What I can say for certain...is there was this incredibly photogenic chair, at this non-disclosed location....additionally if you spy the clock in the mirror...it was like time stood still at this party. Literally.
I did take a few photos of some people in attendance, just so you could see this incredible chair...but I had to blur the faces of the attendees as not to make others feel bad that were or were not there...or at another location, another party or otherwise not in attendence or possibly in attendance, just not invited...or possibly invited...but somewhere else...or not there at all. Not because the suposed hostess did not want said people there, just that they were not there...or possibly they were there, just after we left...or possibly because they were there before we got there, or possibly because there was no there at all. Which would explain the existence and then non-existence of someones mini-van.
Through studying my college physics textbook over the weekend I came to understand why everyone cannott fit into a single location, some people can..yet others can't due to there relative size of "everyone else" therefore some were at one location yet others were are others...if there are others. Not that I wish I was elsewhere, or possibly I was elsewhere. Not that I can say one way or another...because I don't want to make anyone upset with me...with the exeption of one person...I don't mind to upset...but I am hesitant to say who.

Also I can neither confirm or deny that I kissed anyone besides my wife at any suposed party that either did or did not happen. However I hope that the spouse of whoever I did kiss or not kiss just after the stroke of midnight, or before, will be coming back home soon...and not leave them alone much longer.

Lastly I would like to infer, without really saying it, that if we did do something, and go somewhere...that the food (if there was food there) was great...and that I had a good time, if any time was had at all...and further more I hope that the people that planned this non-event will include, without specifically inviting, us in any future events, or not.

However I don't want to be there, or anywhere for that matter, at the expense of someone else not being there... however if they are not going to be there anyway...then I may as well be there, as to be anywhere else. In fact, I can't think of anywhere else I would like to be...if I have to be somewhere, that is.


hillenblogshappywife said...

Talk about verbose!

iROG said...

if there was another party, it wasn't the same without you, although Betsy can put us both out of the "life of the party" business...

Anonymous said...

Mark, your last entry made me laugh and laugh!! Have I told you lately I love ya?

Anonymous said...

nuff said

LauraD said...

You sound very Dr. Seuss'ish.

Anonymous said...

I think your next profession should be an attorney. They do get paid by the word don't they.

Anonymous said...

After much thought and careful consideration, I have decided to take this sillyness as the compliment I believe you meant it to be. Remember, you and your precious family will always be invited to my house if in fact there are ever people to be invited to my house, if in fact I actually have a house to invite said people to.

Anonymous said...

jen is so clever. :)

Tom Demers said...

475 words
6 spelling errors (time to get Firefox - it has an inline spelling checker!!)
I'm with Hillengrand - you shoulda been a lawya. (sic)

Hillenblog said...

I'm firefox exclusive...what plugin am I missing?

Tom Demers said...

You need 2.0+ for spell checking... it is *very* cool!

Anonymous said...

Good post.