Saturday, April 12, 2008

Guatemala Day Two...


Natalie Blaine said...

Wish I was there, it looks like so much fun. Sam you look so cute in that hat. Its looks so beautiful there that waterfall is so cool. Miss you stay safe(that is obviously for Sam).

Bryan Tucker said...

i want to know how big the bang was with those fireworks

SammyB said...

Oh boy! you will. We got it all on video. The only thing you wont experience is the percussion your body feels of that thing going off, and the spray of debris on your face. You need to come back with us next year!

SammyB said...
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Bryan Tucker said...

make the return trip in the summer and i'm there.

SammyB said...

Their summer? or ours?
I think that we will go back sometime in late Feb or March, which is their summer (or nicest weather).

Not to say that the weather wasn't nice this time, because it was A-1-A Awesome!