Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ashley Chambers!

I have an acquaintance that I have requested friendship status, several times. She continues to refuse my friendship because (and I quote) " You know that I am a Democrat...?" Which is code for, I won't be your friend because your a Republican.

That's right. I'm playing the Facebook, political discrimination card. Does the word "tolerance" sound familiar to anyone in the Democratic party?

Here is my solution, I need you (my fellow bloggers and Facebook friends) to message Ashley Chambers here and try to help me convince her that she should stop rejecting my friendship invitation. As you can see she is FB friends with Cindy (who is right of me) politically speaking. Ashley, its time to open your horizons politically speaking. Reach across the isle, and have a bi-partisan set of FB friends. Unless, your afraid you can't defend your liberal ideals...so your afraid of what might happen if you were confronted about the reality of say...Global Warming...or something. Well that is unlikely to happen I rarely talk about politics.

Lets just be friends..."Can't we just all get along?"...


Hillenblog said...

Oh yeah...and feel free for everyone to suggest that Ashley and I become friends on FB...that is a great idea.

Anonymous said...

I dont get it, whats the problem?

Anonymous said...

I messaged her and said that she should approve you as a friend on facebook.

I got your back yo!

Anonymous said...

hummmm...just as I suspected...

Anonymous said...

Ha! Mark....you're busted!

Hillenblog said...

What did you suspect? I told you I was going to blog about you...and your exact words were... "Blog Away, my acquaintance...Blog away"

So...Whats up? still not accepting of my Friendship offer? I just might withdrawal the request...

Anonymous said...

Humm...only 2 people have commented...

Hillenblog said...

How many will you need?

Daniel said...

I"M going to add her. :)